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Ferns thrive in moist, shady outdoor areas, but the lush green foliage can also grow well in a hanging pot either indoors or outdoors. The smaller amount of soil and limited space means a fern growing in a container dries out faster than those planted directly in the ground. Regular irrigation without excessive water is necessary to keep your ferns green and full. Ferns also have specific sunlight and fertilizer needs to thrive in a container environment.

  1. Plant the fern in a hanging basket with drainage holes that provides plenty of room for the roots. The root system shouldn’t completely fill the pot or the fern will be overcrowded. Use an organic potting mix containing peat moss in the pot.
  2. Hang the fern in a bright area where it receives indirect light. Harsh, direct sunlight can damage the fern fronds.
  3. Keep a fern in a location between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 degrees Fahrenheit when possible. Choose a humid spot if one is available, such as a bathroom, if the potted fern stays indoors.
  4. Water the plants enough to keep them moist without leaving standing water in the pot. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely. To test the soil moisture, touch the soil to see if it feels dry. Press your finger into the soil about an inch to see if it is dry underneath. The specific watering requirements vary slightly between fern types, so follow suggestions for the variety you have. Some ferns like the Maidenhair should have soil that is moist all the time, but others like the Kangaroo fern don’t need to be watered until the soil surface is dry.
  5. Set up a humidifier near the fern for added humidity to create a better growing environment. Another way to increase the humidity is to double-pot the fern. Place a thin layer of pea gravel in the bottom of the outer hanging container. Plant the fern inside a slightly smaller container and place it on top of the pea gravel. Add just enough water to the outer pot to keep the pea gravel moist so it increases humidity near the plant. You can also spray the fern weekly with water to increase humidity.
  6. Fertilize the potted fern once a month after watering the plant well. Use a liquid fertilizer made for houseplants. Fertilize the fern lightly at half the rate recommended on the houseplant fertilizer instructions, as ferns can burn with too much fertilizer.
  7. Transplant the fern to a larger hanging pot during the spring months if it becomes too large for the existing container.

source: by Shelley Frost,

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