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Banana Basjoo Plant Care Guide

The Banana Basjoo plant does not produce edible fruit, but it makes up for it by being cold hardy! 

Why People Love This Plant

What’s not to love about the cold hardy basjoo banana plant? Let me repeat, cold hardy! That means if you’re in a colder zone you can still enjoy this banana plant. Better yet, it grows fast!

Your Guide to Care

Care: Easy to grow

Light: Basjoo banana plants prefer to be given full sunlight (6 to 8 hours), however they can still grow with partial sun.

Water: When you water, make sure to water deeply. You will likely have to water about once or twice a week. Before you water, make sure to check the soil about 2 to 3 inches down, if the soil is dry it’s time to water.

Temperature: Cold hardy! This banana plant does well in zones 5 to 10! It can withstand temperatures up to -10F, however at 40F you will want to winterize.

Humidity: Not critical to this plant.

Feeding: During warm/hot weather you can fertilize your basjoo banana plant once every 2 to 4 weeks.


For your plant to return next year, once temperatures drop below 40F you will want to cut the stem to about 2 feet in height. Cover the stem loosely with plastic or similar and make sure to mulch the root area to help regulate temperature.

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