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Cape Honeysuckle Plant Care Guide

Cape honeysuckle sure can put on a show! When its flowers bloom be prepared for bold colors!

Why People Love This Plant

Blooming off and on all year, not only are cape honeysuckle plants easy on the eyes, but they are also easy to care for! Bonus, once this plant is established its drought tolerant! Tecoma capensis is native to South Africa. It can be grown as a bush or used to vine up a trellis. These plants can grown quite large if grown in a warm climate. They usually stay around 3 to 4 ft in northern areas. 

Your Guide to Care

Care: Easy to grow!

Light: Full Sun to partial shade. If you are in a hot climate, you may want to give your cape honeysuckle dappled light/partial shade. Keep in mind that very thick shade will impact flowering.

Water: Regular watering, water when the top inch or so of soil is dry to the touch. This typically equates to watering once a week or every two weeks depending on how much sunlight you provide (more sun = more water). Once roots are established this plant has some drought tolerance. 

Temperature: Cape honeysuckle is a tropical plant, and as such of course it loves tropical weather. This plant cannot tolerate temperatures below 25F. Winter indoors where low winter temperatures are experienced. 

Humidity: Most tropical plants love a little humidity, and the cape honeysuckle is no different. Provide this plant some humidity if you are in a dry climate.

Feeding:  Fertilize your cape honeysuckle plant during spring and summer. Not much is needed, this is not a very hungry plant.


Make sure to prune your plant in order to keep the shape you want, otherwise it can get out of hand rather quickly. This plant will try to spread, clip the suckers quickly if you don’t want this to happen.

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