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Croton Petra Care Guide

A tropical plant you will see everywhere in Florida is the easy care croton petra!

Why People Love This Plant

Croton petras are one of my favorite foliage plants because they sport such bright, vibrant colors. They are like snowflakes, where no two are identical! They make for a wonderful base layer of foliage under a tree, adding so much color in the process! While they love the tropical weather, croton petras can easily be grown in pots as well and moved indoors come winter and cooler temperatures. Make sure to provide adequate light to experience the brightest colors possible!

Your Guide to Care

Care: Easy to moderate.

Light: Croton petras like lots of light! Make sure to provide moderate to bright, indirect light, for at least 4-6 hours per day. A lack of light will lead to a lack of the typical bright croton colors.  

Water: Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch. If your plant is thirsty, you may notice its leaves drooping a tad. You can water less over winter.

Temperature: 60 to 80F, is their ideal temperature range. If outdoors, move them indoors when you start to see 50F. Keep your croton petra away from drafty doors and windows.

Humidity: This tropical plant likes humidity! Make sure to use a humidifier, pebble tray, misting, or a plant grouping to add humidity if you are in a dry area.

Feeding:  Fertilize during spring and summer. You can fertilize once every 4 to 6 weeks. 


When moving your croton petra around, it’s not uncommon for it to drop some leaves as it adjusts to its new location. You may notice this with the arrival of your new plant, or if moving from outdoors to indoors (or vice versa).

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