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Firecracker Plant Care Guide

The firecracker plant is known by many names: coral plant, coral fountain, and scientifically as russelia equisetiformis. This plant can be grown in a handful of colors, two of which we grow here (red and yellow)! 

Why People Love This Plant

Firecracker plants are native to Mexico and produce many short, tubular flowers. It can flower during any season as long it is has the light and heat needed, however late spring to fall is most common. It is a weeping subshrub, as it resembles a weeping willow with its long stems and leaves. Make sure to give your firecracker plant lots of space as it likes to sprawl out! 

Your Guide to Care

Care: Medium, make sure light and temperature needs are met.

Light: Full sun is best and required for the best blooms. Partial shade can be tolerated, but it will not produce the same amount of flowers. 

Water: Make sure to water consistently while establishing and when it is hot outside. You can usually water weekly. Once established, firecracker plants are drought resistant. They may not look pretty during this period, however they will rebound. 

Temperature: 65 to 75F is ideal. This plant can tolerate the heat, however the same cannot be said about the cold. It is best to move this plant outdoors for summer and indoors for winter. Cold temperatures will kill it, so make sure to winter indoors or a warm area.

Humidity: While it would prefer moisture, the coral fountain is not too particular about humidity and can tolerate lower amounts. Misting occasionally will provide some humidity and will help encourage flowers.

Feeding: Fertilizing every two weeks is recommended during growing season.


Prune off stems that have already flowered to get more flowers! Try this plant as a hanging basket, in a rock garden, drooping over a fence, or as an accent in a butterfly garden (hummingbirds love it).

Tag us on Instagram @tropicalplantsofflorida with a Firecracker Plant selfie!

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