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Loropetalum Care Guide

From their frilly magenta flowers to its deep colored foliage that changes from green to red/purple throughout the year, Loropetalum is a gorgeous plant, and here’s how to care for it!

Why People Love This Plant

Loropetalum plants are highly ornamental and decorative plants. Native to China, Japan, and the Himalayas these beauties, sometimes referred to as Chinese fringe flowers, are also relatives of witch hazel plants. For colorful foliage and delicate flowers they bloom, Loropetalum plants are relatively easy to care for! Even better, they are moderately cold tolerant!

Your Guide to Care

Care: Low maintenance, not very fussy.

Light: Part sun to part shade. A bright, sunny spot that receives part shade throughout the day. This plant would do well receiving some morning sun and then being protected from the heat of the day and the suns intense afternoon rays.

Water: While relatively drought tolerant, this plant will grow best with consistently moist soil. While establishing provide about 2 inches of water a week.

Temperature: Loropetalum can tolerate temperatures down to 0F. However, it is still a good idea to protect your plants from cold winter winds. We also recommend mulching over winter.

Humidity: Moderate levels of humidity are fine. If you are in a very dry area, it may be preferable to mist your plant and add some humidity.

Feeding:  This plant requires little to no fertilization if planted properly in loamy, acidic soil. You can fertilize annually in early spring with a slow release fertilizer if desired. 


Loropetalum plants like acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 6.5. If the soil is too alkaline (reaching over 7) you may see yellow leaves. Alternatively, if you notice foliage leaves that will not turn purple, this could mean too much shade or sun.

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