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Mandevilla Plant Care Guide

Mandevilla plants are a tropical staple. These flowering beauties come in so many colors like apricot, pink, red, white, and yellow! If you’re looking for a flower show this summer, this is the plant for you!

Why People Love This Plant

Bright, bold flowering vine plants that bloom profusely all summer, everyone loves mandevilla plants! Give it a support to climb on and your plant could grow up to 10 feet tall! This flowering plant is perfect as a pop of color in your garden or landscape, and with proper conditions there will be no shortage of flowers. Mandevilla plants are also known to attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. 

Your Guide to Care

Care: Relatively low maintenance.

Light: Mandevilla plants will put on the best flower show if given full sun. If you are in a climate of extreme heat, they may benefit from some afternoon shade. This plant can tolerate partial shade, however you may not see as many flowers. If wintering indoors, provide bright, indirect light.  

Water: Water deeply when the soil starts to dry. Let the soil dry a bit between waterings. Mandevilla prefer to be a bit too dry over too wet. Make sure the soil is not soggy or dripping wet, but moist. Mandevilla like well draining soil.

Temperature: 65 to 85F is their ideal climate. Bring your plant indoors for winter once temperatures drop below 60F. A hard freeze will kill this plant. Mandevilla prefer warm, tropical temperatures. 

Humidity: Make sure to provide some humidity if you are in a dry climate.

Feeding:  Fertilize every two weeks while blooming to keep the blooms coming!


Make sure to give your Mandevilla plant something to climb! Then watch it take off!

Tag us on Instagram @tropicalplantsofflorida with a Mandevilla Plant selfie!

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