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Red Fountain Grass Plant Care Guide

Want a plant that is extremely easy to care for and provides stunning foliage that blooms white plumes? Our red fountain grass plant is your plant!

Why People Love This Plant

Red fountain grass is a stunning ornamental grass that is perfect for beds, borders, or in mixed container plantings. Typically this plant will bloom from late summer throughout the fall. It is an extremely adaptable plant! Typically, this grass is grown as an outdoor plant, however it can be grown indoors if given proper conditions. 

Your Guide to Care

Care: As easy as it gets!

Light: Fountain grass plants prefer to be planted in an area with full sun, however they can tolerate some light shade. Ideally, find a spot that provides 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight. Be aware this plant will not flower as well with less sun.

Water: Water consistently until your plant is established, once or twice a week for new plants. Established plants should not need regular watering as long as you receive rain in your area. If you are experiencing drought, make sure to provide some water. 

Temperature: To see your plant thrive in its happiest provide it with temperatures of 75 to 85F. 20F is about the lowest temperature red fountain grass plants will withstand. If your temperatures drop below 20F make sure to bring your plant inside for winter. You can cut your plant down to 3 inches tall. While it may not look pretty, it should come back in spring!

Humidity: Not much of a preference, but always be aware if you are in a highly dry or humid area as plants in a dry climate will need more water compared to those in a humid one.

Feeding: Fertilize this ornamental grass in spring when growth resumes and around flowering times. 


No secrets here as this ornamental grass is super easy to care for, it’s even heat tolerant!

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