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Sprengeri Fern Plant Care Guide

Looking for the perfect plant to add a jungle vibe to your collection? Meet the sprengeri fern

Why People Love This Plant

Native to South Africa, the sprengeri asparagus “fern” is actually not a fern at all! In truth, it is a member of the lily family, liliaceae. Its emerald green, dense needle-like leaves provide this plant with a rather fluffy look. It can be grown easily indoors or outdoors if your climate allows!

Your Guide to Care

Care: Very easy to care for, especially in warm, humid climates.

Light: Moderate to bright indirect light, try to avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the sprengeri’s leaves. For indoor growth, an east facing window would be ideal for direct placement. A south or west facing window is also okay, but make sure to keep the plant a few feet back or to the side so the sunlight is indirect.

Water: Sprengeri ferns like to be watered deeply. Water when the top 2″ of soil feels dry until water flows out of the drainage holes at the base. Then allow it to dry out.  

Temperature: Temperatures around 70F are ideal. Anything under 55F is too chilly and can cause damage. This plant is rather sensitive to rapid temperature fluctuations so try to avoid them, as well as any drafty areas. 

Humidity: These plants LOVE humidity, so make sure to provide lots of it! You will likely need to mist it daily.

Feeding: Fertilize your sprengeri fern plant twice a month during growing season.


Over winter, be mindful of sharp temperature drops and careful not to overwater. 

Yellow leaves can mean not enough humidity, too much fertilizer, or it could indicate a lighting issue (too much or too little). Brown leaves indicate underwatering. If you find brown leaves, cut off these sections and try watering more. 

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