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How to Repot a Plant

Once your plant from Tropical Plants of Florida arrives and you unbox it, the first thing you will want to do is repot (that is, after your plant has adjusted to its new home, which usually takes a few weeks). Follow this guide for how we recommend you repot your new plant!

Some things to keep in mind before starting this process:

  • Your plant just went through a shocking experience traveling to you. It is be best to let your new plant adjust for a few weeks in its planter before repotting.
  • Before starting this process, water your plant a day or two beforehand so its roots are well hydrated, avoiding root shock. Do not repot if your plant is wilting due to dehydration. 
  • Remember, repotting is stressful for your new plant.

Steps to Repot a Plant:

  1. Select a pot.

Selecting a pot can be tricky, but not if you know what to look for! We recommend choosing a pot that is either the same size or approximately 2” larger than the planters we send, and no larger than that. Pots larger than 2” more might provide too much soil, which can lead to root issues and actually slow your plants growth!

Make sure the pot you choose has drainage holes at the bottom. Pots that do not have proper drainage will make your plant more susceptible to overwatering damage (or even death, yikes!) and accompanying issues such as root rot.

        2. Place soil in your carefully selected pot.

Warning! You will probably get dirt on your hands. Make sure to put on your gardening gloves at this time if you so choose.

Now, take your Tropical Plants of Florida Indoor or Outdoor Plant Soil and fill the base of your pot with a few handfuls of soil. Your pot should be about a third full.

        3. Remove your plant from its planter.

There are several different methods that can be used here. The first and easiest method is to cut the side of the planter carefully, so the roots are not damaged. Another method, if you have one and would like to save the planter, is to use a soil knife. Last, if you would like to save the planter and do not have a soil knife, you can try to jiggle the plant out by first gently shaking or tapping your plant to loosen its bond to the pot. Then, turn the plant upside down and carefully jiggle the plant and its roots out.

As you are completing this process make sure to remove or cut any dead, unhealthy, rotted, or extremely long roots. Make sure you are sanitizing during this process as well to prevent any possible disease from transferring.

        4. Shake and remove soil from the roots.

After you have removed your plant from the planter, gently shake and remove some soil from your plant’s roots to loosen the root ball.  

        5. Place your plant in its new pot.

Hold your prepped plant straight up and place it directly in the center of the pot. There should be space around the sides and the root ball should be a few inches from the top of the pot.

        6. Fill your pot with soil.

Take the remainder of your Indoor or Outdoor Soil and loosely pack it around your plant while making sure your plant stays in an upright position. It is best to add soil in small amounts and lightly tamp down around the plant’s roots. As you fill your pot, be careful not to overflow the pot with soil.

        7. Water

Finally, water your newly potted plant thoroughly. You should see water flowing from the bottom of the plant, through the drainage holes. After you see this, stop watering and allow all water to drain from the pot before placing your plant in its new location. If you are using a pot with a saucer, make sure there is no excess water sitting in the saucer as this can damage, or even kill, your plant.

Finishing Thoughts

Now that you’ve finished repotting your plant it’s worth noting that it will take your plant some time to adjust to its new home. To help this transition give your plant as close to optimal conditions (temperature and sunlight) as possible.

Most importantly, enjoy your new plant!

how to repot a plant

1 thought on “How to Repot a Plant”

  1. I’ve purchased 3 different large plants from “Tropical plants of Florida”, and they are all equally stunning! A Monstera, a Bird of Paradise and a Fiddle Leaf Fig tree. I tried other growers before I found this one and I was always disappointed. They come wrapped with care to protect the leaves and moisture level. I’m so lucky to have found them!!!

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